I carry a small notebook in my purse. I found one at Target on
clearance for .95 it stays in my purse at all times. I use it to write down what I have eaten and the calories. When I'm at the computer I log what I have eaten into
wellness360. You can also read health articles that interest you, and they usually stay up on the latest going on in the world. You can fill out a health assessment which saves your information in the case of an emergency. It is a very cool website. One of the best things is that you can earn money by entering your information in. You are not going to earn a ton of money but I love being able to enter in my food intake and
exercise and it adds it up for me, and I know how much I am allowed to eat for the day.
Hi Sally,
I hope you are still planning on doing the book club on my fitness blog with me. I just stopped by to let you know I've been writing about the getting started section in the book this week in preparation for Monday.
Thanks for the tip about the website. I can't wait to go check it out.
: ) Becky
This is a great idea! Thank you for sharing this website! I need to do this ASAP!
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