Lifeasmom posted a list and I was inspired to create my own. Go here to check out hers.
- You try to organize your coupons while driving on vacation. (This was my first opportunity and it didn't work out well for me, I don't recommend trying this. I had coupons all over the floor, it was a mess)
- You take all of your coupons on vacation, just in case
- Your husband tells you to talk about something other than coupons, and you can't think of anything to say.
- People at church regularly ask you if you have/need coupons, and they share their own coupon expeditions with you
- You look at the sales ads 4 times or more to make sure you didn't miss anything
- You look forward to Sunday night because that is when you get to clip and organize your coupons
- You look forward to the first of the month because new coupons come out online and you get more inserts in the paper
- Holiday weekends are disappointing because there are no coupons in the paper.
- You have thought about calling the newspaper company because one of your papers didn't have all the ads it was supposed to.
- You drive by a neighbors house Sunday evening and want to steal their paper because they haven't gotten it yet
Cute list! Thanks for sharing it with me. I have clipped and filed coupons on the road. The trick is to file each coupon as you come to it. It's less efficient in a sense, but it saves the huges mess.
Yeah, I had to learn that the hard way... but my husband got a great kick out of my mess.
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