I have had morning sickness all day long, and I have about 3 more weeks of it. We have been eating out quite a bit because of it. I just don't feel like cooking or eating or doing anything. So this menu is definately subject to change. The first listed is Vegetarian, the second one is not.
Monday: Chicken Nuggets & potatos
BBQ Wings
Tuesday: Hamburger Pie
Chicken & Gravy
Wednesday: Hamburger Pie
Hot Dogs
Thursday: Hamburger Pie
Taco Salad
Friday: Indian Tacos
Indian Tacos
Saturday: Salad
Chicken & Gravy
Sunday: Pizza
For more Menu Plan Monday, check out orgjunkie
I haven't had chicken nuggets in such a long time, but I definitely want to make them soon - they sound great! You should check out springpad's weekly meal planner, it's a great way to organize all of your menus and recipes (like this one, yum! http://bit.ly/3D6top) and I think you'd really like it.
We are a split veggie household too!! Any tips?
I usually try to cook similar meals a couple times a week, so that I'm not making completely seperate meals everyday. That's what I've found to be the easiest.
How about you?
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