BOGO Sale:
- Top Round Roast $3.99 lb
- Kraft Singles $3.99
- Hiland Orange Juice 1/2 gal $2.19
- Edys Ice Cream $4.99
- Kraft Pasta Salad $1.79
- Kelloggs Large Cereal $5.49
- Gatorade 64 oz $2.89
- Vo5 Shampoo or Conditioner $1.29
- Dove Deodorant $4.99 6-07 RP $1.50/2 $3.49/2
- Dove Bar Soap $3.69 6-07 RP $1.00/1 $1.69
- Kashi Cereal $4.29
- Knorr Pasta or Rice Sides $1.65
- Kelloggs Special K Bars $3.69 7-12 RP $1.00/2 $1.69/2
- Ragu $2.69 5-17 RP $.75/2 $1.19/2
- Natures Own Wheat Bread $3.09
- Ronzoni Bistro $2.69 $5-10 S $1.00/1 $1.69
- Mt Olive Dill Hamburger Chips $2.99 6-28S $.75/1 $1.49
- Super Pretzels $3.15
- Townhouse $3.99
- Scope $2.91
- Chinet Napkins $2.35 6-28 S $1.00/1 $.35
- Edys Fruit Bars $4.59
Other Sale Items
- Ribeye Steaks $6.99 lb
- Ground Beef $2.19 lb
- Baby Back Pork Ribs $3.99
- Strawberries 1 lb $2.00
- Peaches $1.19 lb
- Roma Tomatoes $.89 lb
- Red Onion $.79 lb
- Healthy Choice Entrees 4/$9
- All Detergent $3.99 6-28 RP $1.00/1 $1.99
Back to School Sales
- Crayola Crayons 4/$1
- #2 Pencils 3/$1
- Bic Crystal Pens $.59 ea
- Elmer's Glue 5/$1
Remember: Homeland does accept Internet coupons up to $4.00. They will double coupons up to $1.00, but only 1 like coupon per day. You must have a Homeland one card, sign up in the store or online.

I'm part of the grocery gathering!
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