- Fresh Express Salad $.99
- Tomatos $.77 lb
- Blue Bell Pint $.88
- Homepride Wheat Bread $.99
- Kraft Dressing $.99 6-21 S (expires 7/21/09) $1.00 Free
- Wesson Oil $1.99
- Chicken Thigh or Drumsticks $.77 lb
- Sleeved Celery $.77
- Melons $1.99
- 80% Lean Ground Beef $1.99 lb
- Libbys Corn, Peas, Green Beans $.58
- Knorr Pasta or Rice Sides $.99 5-17 RP $.60/2 $1.38/2
- Ragu $1.48 5-17 RP (Expires 7/26/09) $.75/2 $2.21/2
- Red Onion $.78 lb
- Yellow Squash $.98 lb
- Seedless Cucumber $1.18
- Peaches $1.49 lb
- Seedless Grapes $1.68 lb
- Totinos Pizza Rolls $1.28 7-12 S $.35/1 $.93
- New York Texas Toast $1.99 5-17 S1 $.40 $1.59
- North Star Twin Pops 6 pk $.99
- Borden Singles $1.88 6-28 S $1.00 $.88
- 1% Milk Gallon $2.49
Remember that Buy for Less does not accept internet coupons. They do not double coupons.

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