Monday, June 29, 2009

Menu Plan Monday 6/29/09

Last week I found out that I was pregnant, and maybe its mental, but by the end of the week after I came home from work everyday I was exhausted. I just wanted to sit down and relax, not cook dinner. So we ate out a little more than I would like, and we had quick meals as well. I am trying to get some stuff put together and keep in the fridge so its easy to grab and go. The first listed is vegetarian and the second one is not.

Monday: Dinner out

Tuesday: Chicken Nuggets and Grilled Veggies

Chicken & Gravy

Wednesday: Indian Tacos

Thursday: Taco Salad


Friday: Hamburger Pie

Indian Tacos

Saturday: Picnic

Sunday: Chicken Nuggets & Grilled Veggies

BBQ Wings

For more Menu Plan Monday, check out

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